Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Announcing NRA Firearms Training

In an effort to improve the level of training I offer to my students, I have formed a partnership with Practical Defense Systems. PDS has a long history of providing high quality self-defense instruction to people who are simply interested in keeping themselves and their families safe. To find out more about PDS, visit their website at

Our Firearms training has been improved as well with the addition of a new arrangement with Project 2000 Shooting Range. Project 2000 is a terrific facility in East San Diego County. They have excellent indoor and outdoor ranges including: an indoor pistol range, an indoor 100 yard rifle range, an outdoor training range and both 5 Stand and Trap ranges for shotgun shooters. Also important to us is their fully functional classroom with multimedia technology. You can visit the Project 2000 website at

Many of our firearms classes will be held at Project 2000 in the future. All classes are taught by NRA Certified Firearms Instructors. Check out the NRA classes that are currently available by looking at the class schedule on the right side of this website. We will add more to the schedule the very near future, so stay tuned!